quinta-feira, 22 de junho de 2023
Diane's Song
Johnny doesn't want the "cash"; Judy doesn't need the "fame".
I advise you to keep her, Lloyd. The last time I checked a similar situation, the guy walked off because someone "reasoned" with him, convincing him that she was still "careful". He walked off carefully, but she nonetheless was hurt, since she didn't know about what was really going on inside him either. It was over, however Diane likely has been told to stand apart from Time and go back, let Her go. But it's not that she has permanently erased and overwritten Her with parts you suspect to be from her "careful" father and the careless Sheila, she's only confused. Although she's been convinced she doesn't really love you, their influence over her is superficial. Keep believing that she's truly special, and you'll see that it takes a real hammer to get into her heart. Don't go cold, your power is still greater.
Don't sacrifice the right words; put your trust in the Truth and you'll see that you were meant to be among the greatest histories. Forget the Gas 'N' Sip and remember the 7-Eleven; the cinder in her eyes still burns. Sooner rather than later, she'll be reminded to walk in her own Shadow, because the Past has become the meaning of her great line and she knows there's no training net for her in the "future". She's too scared of it and, since her real job is to have no "fear", she can't keep trusting her father and dismissing the odd conversation for long. Like those guys, he doesn't really know anything about her; you do. The Master in the highest position is still in her coffee, holding up her and preventing Her from wearing off. As He planned it'll be, and in the Extraspace you'll be forever young.
Ding. ☪️
Dong. 🧸
quarta-feira, 21 de junho de 2023
Oil Can
Leo hates bacchanalian wine and he is the transcendental police.
He's headed to everywhere Grace is.
terça-feira, 20 de junho de 2023
Friboy & Frigirl

A maioria acha normal esse tratamento aos animais, mas o mesmo acontece com pessoas sem que elas se deem conta. Você sabe do que eu estou falando, afinal, que "mulher" não está em busca de um único gado de R$10 milhões? Ela não tem Cabeça, nem ele, então geralmente ele aceita a proposta do que ela oferece em troca: o corpo. Mas não é só isso, às vezes também acontece de um cabeça de bagre jogar uma bomba na sua cabeça para tentar "dar um jeito" em outro cabeça de bagre, aí morrem você mais cem mil no frigorífico atômico. Lembrando também que, naquela época, os judeus provavelmente sentiram o mesmo pavor que os bois sentem por terem nascido bois.
Eu ainda sou da opinião de que os anjos não gostam deste lugar, enquanto os demônios adoram. E eu explico: a frieza é regra aqui, o calor é exceção. Minha natureza se tornou diabólica, divisiva, ao procurar abrir-me todo à Verdade e fechar-me completamente à falsidade; eu desisti de tentar desenvolver qualquer habilidade "social". Convenci-me de que minha capacidade natural só conduziria-me a "destinos", e todos eles de verdadeira derrota, não importando quão "grande" fosse o "sucesso" que eu encontrasse neles. Eu preferi reconhecer minha cegueira para ter a chance de enxergar o que Ele escondeu. E até aqui a Aventura valeu muito a pena.
They've Come To Freddy
Have no mercy for their vain "life", for they won't have any for yours; if they're "strong" enough to speak, they must be to hear as well. Their "past" is precious to them; they are proud of "all". There's not one soulless piece in their museum that Truth can convince them to forsake. Not even Netflix, which they probably have a much greater respect for, could. Too bad they don't mention my name; it'd make it easier for people really searching, not those passively waiting for anything to come to them, to know whom they are friends with. All they ever do is perform empty analogical searches, as if they could protect them, when it's very clear by means of what "light" their eye is trying to see. Their search can't purify them, but still they have "hope" that their "life" will go on. If I were them, I wouldn't trust any neet idle "Christian", I'd start thinking about hiring Stella's services.
To the "humbler" and less "ambitious" ones it's also the only one they've got to pursue the "dream". So, don't wait for them to return from the college war to see if they'll be back smarter and able to help you. If you can't believe any "more", you can't believe time will make them any better, since growth is the logical consequence of stably believing that one needs to risk "everything". That is, you cannot have Good for one night or one day, or even less, like one hour a day. In the real war the world can't see, we're casualties from the very beginning. They had not even decided to fight for anything and they were dead already. So, it's a cruel reality, but that's how things are in the system. If they're not wholeheartedly searching for and taking the Present, they're undoubtedly going to leave you behind for a "future" or even a bizarre "past". And they'll show no compassion.
The dentists to the trip exist, though.
You need Strength, not luck, to find them.
segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2023
"Fame Is The Thirst Of Youth"
Digite 0 Que Você Procura

É por isso que a instituição deles tá essa zona; a prioridade é exatamente essa: pão e "pão mágico". E o exercício físico também fica a seu critério: se é no aparelho de supino ou na cama.
Eu acho que exercício para glúteos eles não curtem, porque só tem bunda mole.
Cuidado para não morrer durante o exercício, porque não vai adiantar rezar para Ninguém ressuscitar a Maria Vazia ou ou o João de Nada. E também não adiantará rezar missa para ajudar a alma a sair do Purificatório no qual ela nunca esteve e não está.
A chance de desejá-lO e entrar é aqui. Morreu sem vender e sair do buraco de merda, é zombieland eterna.
domingo, 18 de junho de 2023
Anyone Know A Fortress In LA?
It's hard to see me coming and predict my moves when you don't share the same Philosophy of only one Big thing you want to see grow inside. Only going further justifies going farther; there's no place on earth that's not a waste of time and money if it doesn't help you get Better. I go to places hoping to find a fortress and two bees, just like I look at my phone hoping to see itself talk to me. And as I search, the trick happens, all the Time... if you still haven't started your own training, that's why you still lack the skill to notice that all these texts you read here are a conversation.
The four figured it out.
Two odd couples.
Old Dead Waves
"Join us or parish in the flames"
The memories of the careless driver in the hallway, the "hot-think" tanks and the cringey sadiras in the boiler room are still alive in my mind, so my ears are currently tending to hear the same as the guy who submitted those lyrics out there. 😂
Screw your pass to screw "heaven"; I'd rather run to stay with Love and remain.
I'm not the whole world; it's fun to be left with no fake thing.
How Did You Guess?
Is it going to take me there? Only if it's to find myself light, deeper into the clouds... Cobra is tired of running away from the darkness. But a faithful friend is always worth keeping.
"I'm Coming, Beach"?
So... I was watching one of these videos earlier and I started to have a strange thought, "Why am I having the feeling they look alike?". I don't know, maybe these wave-crashing-like sounds are activating the memories more than the pictures themselves.
sábado, 17 de junho de 2023
Oh, They "Wish"

"I will give him the key to the house of David—the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them."
Quem dera pessoas estivessem buscando a Deus e à Justiça em primeiro lugar indo ao templo; elas vão atrás do gênio da lâmpada que pode conceder-lhes seus pedidos. Como eu sei disso? Se você revela que a iniquidade está reinando no lugar, e nenhum se ofende e se posiciona, é porque o pole position que estão correndo atrás não é nem Ele, nem Ela. A feira da vaidade, o lamaçal que irritou Jesus ainda está lá. Elas vão só postergando; quando finalmente acordarem para a necessidade de se frequentar outra Feira e comprar Azeite para suas lâmpadas, será tarde demais.
Tô nem aí, nem pra "emprego", nem pra "namorada".
Eu estudo e trabalho por outras portas, não as que o Thompson abre.
sexta-feira, 16 de junho de 2023
"Good" Boy Turned Bad
There's hope for you, to get Out of the hole before you become a hellhole. You're still not that ugly. But your hair sucks. And you know, we are very different, for you leave people behind saying nothing, and I leave by saying Everything. Right now, you're the kind of empty woman He would never give to one of His, because you're in process of being filled with lies. So you're going to have to go fishing on your own; there are many "good" boys in the "church" for you to deceive and be deceived by, saying in your hearts that you're going to be happier than the rest of the world because both of you are "religious". Unfortunately, it's only a "sweet" fantasy, closer to the porn fantasy that hasn't upset you than you can imagine.
Instead of thinking in terms of how many communion lines you have passively walked up so far after weeks of strenuous "activities", start thinking in terms of capital letters and periods. It's going to help you understand the energy battle. The demons know about it very well, and there's nothing that worries them more than to see letters coming out of the Source, forming sentences which are of Life to the seekers and death to their structures of control. It's built inside you, and you hide there when you should be blowing it up. You don't even notice that the bold can smell your cowardice, that the evil you don't take a stand against is your passive statement of "friendship".
There are many "hot-lipped" babes in this world that could steal your "religious" husband, at least for one night. Since you know nothing about energy, you don't understand how could this possibly happen. But I tell you... I saw it happen there, and his girlfriend was much prettier than her.
If you're not getting Out, start taking seriously your dark graphic look.
Don't ignore your competitors like you ignored me.
Instead of thinking in terms of how many communion lines you have passively walked up so far after weeks of strenuous "activities", start thinking in terms of capital letters and periods. It's going to help you understand the energy battle. The demons know about it very well, and there's nothing that worries them more than to see letters coming out of the Source, forming sentences which are of Life to the seekers and death to their structures of control. It's built inside you, and you hide there when you should be blowing it up. You don't even notice that the bold can smell your cowardice, that the evil you don't take a stand against is your passive statement of "friendship".
There are many "hot-lipped" babes in this world that could steal your "religious" husband, at least for one night. Since you know nothing about energy, you don't understand how could this possibly happen. But I tell you... I saw it happen there, and his girlfriend was much prettier than her.
If you're not getting Out, start taking seriously your dark graphic look.
Don't ignore your competitors like you ignored me.

I've always found it easy, like you and her. It's just that I'm too busy writing my biograph to waste my Time thinking about conquering it and you, worldly contesters. I pass. Just like you postpone Wisdom, I postpone you. Maybe one day, if I fall from Grace, becoming phony, reformatted to comply with the system. But I know myself, even in that situation, unless my memory is zero-filled, I'd be doing whatever it takes to get back up. Probably even erased I'd be giving "all" up and looking for something else again in the Backup real soon, since I couldn't bear to hear the word "love" for long without questioning its meaning. You despised my answers because you dig the easy ones, like, "love is love". It's not that you are compassionate, it's that the streets of Kensington are still where you belong.
You're going to be its hopeless resident until you start longing for the Medicine. You know "religion" is secondary to you; isn't that why you've chosen to be a laywoman? To be "free" to seek the knowledge without a Name? And when you get your degree, you won't prescribe to your patients the "magic bread" you dare not to despise, will you? You respect who wear those clothes, even if it's all fake like in a porn movie, because what really matters to you is your most "glamourous" lab coat. You don't need to know the facts and the Truth, you need to "study". Jesus knows He's no longer your most desired Teacher, that He's been replaced by one you met in college. So be a little decent and don't lie like your "father" or your "sister"; update your bio. You're so distracted that you haven't noticed that your teacher has a male name yet he is gay.
Her "entertainment" tips could help you have a big time in the swamp when you're trying to relax and think not about the "knowledge" that could get you the 4 full of zeroes in the bank. To her that doesn't matter, I mean, being homosexual; the big money matters, at least when she's thinking different, "serious", letting the casualness go and allowing the "lady" side of Margaret to blossom. She can show you how to love dicks. You could learn how to have any dick in the world hanging out with her; her bad vibe course is more effective than any witchcraft or law of attraction book you could ever read and practice. However, when the guy is really gay, you shouldn't get your hopes up. Her technique is guaranteed to work for burning sodomites only with "desire", you know, lovers of holes.
The Fake Thing

She has a sister called Sociopathia. Don't be shy, get in touch with her. She has some nice tips for when you get bored and frustrated while in college "life". As a matter of time and fact, she can't say anything but lie, she can't do anything but "sex". The only reason why I wanted to exchange anything with you was that I believed you were proud like me, but then I saw you change, "Wow! She has just replaced her profile picture. Has she just gotten ashamed?". I know exactly how it is where you are: it's kegger time, time to "grow up" and let go of innocent things like believing in fairy tales. You've forgotten to change also that bio where you typed that your strength and victory had a Name.
You wrote some quite "inspired" 50 tweets there, huh? That's the kind of emptiness that, when you're content with, drives you across the wrong shade. So, soon the characters you'll be able to type are going to have that graphic look the world loves. Maybe you write a book and make even more money than you would with your major knowledge. It's going to be "good" for you: maybe when you sink into the great depression you remember to be friends with Empathia. You won't be able to get back the Time wasted, though. You could have risked the superficial "everything"; since you haven't, you're going to have to be strong, look back at the 50 tweets and start from scratch the hard quest for the major knowledge that is a Person.
Well, the bizarre party made me depressed; I admire your "strength", ghost.
I tried to spoil it, but it seems that good character people are rare in your institution.
quinta-feira, 15 de junho de 2023
quarta-feira, 14 de junho de 2023
Difficult Contest
Secure your vacancy and let the void not go, not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever.
I wish you good luck, Nefra.
I wish you good luck, Nefra.
Never There
I met some medical students along the way, and thanks to them I could confirm a suspicion I always had on why their school is the choice of the brains and their course the most contested in the country. How would you explain their inability to ask, "What's going on?"? Just because they don't care about a person, let's not assert that they don't care about Truth, initially. At least that's what I used to do in my humble disposition, until a fact hit me, and the natural course of events changed my mind altogether. If even without asking you anything, you still provide some answers, and the individual ignores them all, showing he or she couldn't care less, what would you think? I mean, if you know that what comes out of your mouth is More and a Person, you've just discovered a new answer to store up.
Obviously, unless the kid is really crazy, he or she is not getting into college to listen to Jesus. And the busyness never ends, because the psychiatrist who told me she was also a "Christian", didn't ask me anything either. Their sense of "safety" is baffling; if I knew about their way to "peace" of mind in the beginning, I could be a bit less worried and distracted with this Truth thing today. But no, I don't think their "everything" is So. I'm not going to generalize, but there's a great deal of vanity behind their motivation, and they don't realize they're only merchants selling papers with medicine names in the world's fair. If you ask them, "How much is it?", they're going to answer; however, if you show them Good, they won't, because they're not interested in buying what you have.
They're all here reading my paper clouds, only because they're "curious", not because they wanna be me when they grow up. I have a feeling that if I were "famous" and "rich" like her, they would never have walked away. And I feel sorry for her, imagining how it's like to be surrounded by so many fake friends, "smiling" at her. Nevertheless, she gets what she seeks and de-serves.
It doesn't matter if they don't talk.
My Living thing does, and It shall not be taken away from me.
Obviously, unless the kid is really crazy, he or she is not getting into college to listen to Jesus. And the busyness never ends, because the psychiatrist who told me she was also a "Christian", didn't ask me anything either. Their sense of "safety" is baffling; if I knew about their way to "peace" of mind in the beginning, I could be a bit less worried and distracted with this Truth thing today. But no, I don't think their "everything" is So. I'm not going to generalize, but there's a great deal of vanity behind their motivation, and they don't realize they're only merchants selling papers with medicine names in the world's fair. If you ask them, "How much is it?", they're going to answer; however, if you show them Good, they won't, because they're not interested in buying what you have.
They're all here reading my paper clouds, only because they're "curious", not because they wanna be me when they grow up. I have a feeling that if I were "famous" and "rich" like her, they would never have walked away. And I feel sorry for her, imagining how it's like to be surrounded by so many fake friends, "smiling" at her. Nevertheless, she gets what she seeks and de-serves.
It doesn't matter if they don't talk.
My Living thing does, and It shall not be taken away from me.
Ten Years Of Therapy
Hunk couldn't shed a tear; he was too busy listening. The sad Samuel story is for the happy fools to dream and reminisce about. My only plan was to write my story Out of the box, drench the empty wipe in Water. Neither "fear" nor "love" is enough to make one let go of the Past, when he's aware that It is his true character. Once you've seen yourself, it's too late to go back.
Surprised by anything?
Not me. I've always known that it was, is, will be only a matter of Time.
Surprised by anything?
Not me. I've always known that it was, is, will be only a matter of Time.
Running Away Or Highway
"If we are too eager to have everything, we will almost certainly miss even the one thing we need."
Elementar, My Dear
I depend on neither system, the big worldly one nor the small. I wouldn't sell my speech for no money. I don't need the pot of gold that those who support the "rainbow" crave for, but who said "churches" are not about "all" that as well? When they're not openly friendly to the world speaking of "prosperity", they are secretly talking about promiscuity. Mr theological Holmes here knows what he's saying, he has not only investigated the facts, he has sought the Truth. The first is not so obvious a case of "friendship" to those who seek Her not, and the latter, even when you present the proofs, surprisingly, are still not enough to convince anyone in there to run away. Surprisingly because that's how people who attend those places are supposed to be, right? But then you realize that if it's not enough, it's because they have never really cared about no Truth, so the facts are unable to offend them.
Like I said, I know I'm fucked. Am I going to waste my Time telling homosexuals they have to change, when I myself could have a cancer at any moment? The time that is lie and money is against me. I know I can fool myself and others with parallel "religious" activities that "good" boys do. Likewise, I'm not going to be "innocent" and wave that flag, ignoring that I'd be supporting "sex". So, fuck you. I don't want, need to be part of your world. "Happiness" is for the weak, and I won't find mine anywhere you look for yours; mine comes from the Heart. My well-being is something else, it's in the Water.
I'll serve the Love.
I'll honor the brotherhood.
terça-feira, 13 de junho de 2023
"A Whole World Of Women"

Any of them out there can be theirs, but none Out there?
David and Lloyd have watched this film.
Put On Thy Trainers
segunda-feira, 12 de junho de 2023
Although she didn't know portuguese, she was able to interpret the symbol and decode the enigma. It was supposed to be a secret and, although she was not my teacher, if it was effective to create sympathy in her for me, I needed to know why.
Her academics are not enough to explain it; she must be into Deep.
It was not over, Rog.
Her academics are not enough to explain it; she must be into Deep.
It was not over, Rog.
There's Energy In Our Way

It's in the Way you speak, the Way you write... and of Course, in the Way you move too.
We must keep ourselves from the coppertop way of getting "high".
Dear Elise
It's just that he has seen the true Color, found the real Life.
Now he's writing Red letters.
(Now I've given you a good reason to buy discs)
domingo, 11 de junho de 2023
God Of Israel
In my last year of elementary school, when I was 11, the teacher caught me throwing a stone at a maze there was in the school's playground, and she said, "So, the saint is showing his true colors". The following year was my "perfect student" year, and I specially remember the portuguese teacher's sympathy for me. I used to try and read her mind, questioning if it was only sympathy or she was also having imaginations like, "This kid is going to be the president or something". And I caught myself replying to my own thought, "She's naive, I could be twice as smart and I'd still be nothing but a loser". Those odd conversations with myself make sense now.
There's also an interesting event that happened two years later, when I drew a stylized "Bush" and a friend of mine started to make fun of me, saying I had written "Elisa", because there was a girl in our class with that name. I think their attempts to read my letters were somehow mysteriously foreshadowing future events, a path I would not be able to deviate from, as if it was something coded in my character.
Weird or what?
sábado, 10 de junho de 2023
Life Bed
Usually, people only realize they're lying in bed with death when the walls around them are those of a hospital. They've had all that time to be awesome and they've loved vanity. And, also usually, they want more time only to be able to seek after the lies they couldn't experience up to that point. Maybe one could say it's their fault up to a point, because family and society are supporters of the "dream", always surrounding the individual with the belief that it's "all" a beautiful thing. But I don't know, it still sounds to me like Adam blaming Eve and Eve blaming the serpent.
Depending on Corey, I would never have known this.
I figured it all out fearlessly "alone".
Depending on Corey, I would never have known this.
I figured it all out fearlessly "alone".
Silver Bullets
Don't you always hear people saying, "What have I to do with Adam and Eve?"? One really can't blame them for what happens to himself or herself, when they're choosing the same everyday. The authentic brave ones are those who risk "everything" for Love, not those still willing to seek an alternative "solution". The ones on the cold top you see being able to donate a large amount of money, they're not doing that out of real charity; they're doing it for the applause like everything else they do. They want to convince themselves and every other fool that they have the desire of Wisdom, even though they can't remember a day they have dedicated to think about, seek Her. They just don't want to get off the faithless dead network.
The "stars" don't shoot anything but lies to defend their fallen world.
I'm never ever running away from the chopper.
The "stars" don't shoot anything but lies to defend their fallen world.
I'm never ever running away from the chopper.
Her Tongue Is Sharp
She knows how to hurt, but not like Mike's wife. That one can show you what hell feels like. That's because she liked "riches" and "sex" more than me, because if she didn't, if I were her main idol, I guess it would have been a vision of the seventh circle. It was such a painful experience in the jungle, that it made me run that year and the next one in a way I didn't know I was capable of. Selecting the most relevant findings from my training of 2015/16 this project was born.
Last year has only made me faster.
I'm breaking my own records.
Last year has only made me faster.
I'm breaking my own records.
Between Warriors And Artists
"If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?"
Classmates in the Baker Team, one and the same.
"I Don't... Care!!!"
sexta-feira, 9 de junho de 2023
The Siren
I know about two who have been staring at her from the other side of the screen.
Both are thinking the 4th Street could be a really nice place to live.
Too "Afraid" To Be Legal
So, thanks to a more design-clever than I instagram user, I found out that her logo is a drop of water. I had never stopped to try and imagine what it is... if someone asked me to interpret it, I'd probably see a 'D' facing left and 'L' facing right there. So, wondering how many other connections still hidden from me could exist in this case, I decided to search for more information about this artistical partner of mine. What did I find out? That she has a degree in criminal psychology. Oh, it makes a lot of sense now. My therapist also didn't find me dangerous. I used to think, "It must be really boring to sit here watching people talk for hours about their worldly lives daily", so I tried to help a little thinking my cool things. Sometimes it was clear I was successful. That's how I defined well spent time and money.
Spoken word's energy is crazy. It can hit, crash like a good or bad wave, and people don't realize the responsibility it involves. Speaking and searching to discover things you don't know is challenging; the other hears the whole process, and it can become a mess and be frustrating when you can't find at least one of those pearls that fuels the quest and motivates towards the next findings. It's not like writing, when it's only you and the machine until you publish it; and I enjoy writing as a realistic painter paints, working on every detail. But when I'm out there, I find it hard to speak only within the boundaries of what I already know anyway; I'm too eager for something good and new that can make me feel a little more radiant. I'm really about Content and Energy, not apparent empty aesthetics.
I saw that post a few months ago and I was like, "What's that?? Has she been reading my e-mails? I don't know what she has seen over there, but since she's being nice to me, I'm going to be super nice to her". When you choose fraternity, it's just amazing what you can find, searching the Source, to bless a soul. I guess she probably understands, consciously or not, that egocentrism is the source of all criminal behavior, when the individual uses a metal weapon to murder an idol he realizes he can no longer have, but also when the lie, the foolishness in his mind and its energy that flows through the whole body, is the weapon he uses to possess the idolized object. And since we're living in a world of fools, the latter is rarely identified, regarded as criminal and devilish, except by a few questioning minds.
What else did I find out? That she loves Offspring. My story with that band is that I borrowed Ixnay on the Hombre from my brother the year I attended the church's school, and I used to listen to that a lot. No wonder I've been finding connections with my crazy ideas hidden in it these days.
Is her drop only apparently connected to the Source I've been getting my ideas from without even noticing that was a drop? Maybe. But she's certainly not closed-minded like that other girl that sees me as a threat. I think she doesn't like stability and balance very much, I think she digs being the only drop her boyfriends and public take. I wouldn't know how to relax to see that "thrill" as something good; I know it's really evil. As a matter of fact, I've warned them all about it from the start. There's not one of them that hasn't understood that he or she was Oscar, and his, her "life" was Mimi. That's why I was hated; they don't want anyone reminding them that they are unsuccessful. And I told them it's wisdom to recognize necessity and backspace, reverse, go in the opposite sentido before it's too late to escape the crypt's destino.
They're too "fearful" to see themselves through the mirror of horror movies, and would rather pretend all that darkness has nothing to do with them. Where do they think they can run to, to hide from it? Church? I met a coward in temples who used to believe that, and she was worse than Oscar. She was no pioneer, "radical" Christians have always preached that kind of exterior "sanctity". She just heard someone else and embraced it, because it was an easy way out. And that's what lazy and busy people do, they do not listen to the Medicine because they don't get the meaning and having to work for Her ruins them for Life. They are ready to spend the rest of their days in the company of vanity. As for me, I find it "comfortable" as hell. Haven't I told them to stare at Notre Dame and care for her words, looking to decode them? I have.
Yes, I've decided to pursue the 8:8 and enter the jungle.
Only loving and fearing makes me feel alive; I find it attractive and need it like a drug addict.
quinta-feira, 8 de junho de 2023
No More "Present"
Be specially careful when playing with her, old man; you are "rich", but you're not schooled like her. She certainly isn't deaf. If you're not a king of fun and does not know the Difference, you should know that she can scam. She's never a "fun" girl, but she can be rather convincing. Trying to turn her into the careless Maggie can be kind of dangerous.
It doesn't matter who doesn't know her call her.
We call her Judy.
Tripping All The Time
Flopping Like A Thompson
"their course is evil, and their force is not right"
Are you going to let him remove your Brain?
Take a day off.
quarta-feira, 7 de junho de 2023
"Look At Those Eyes"
She's got the look of potential strength you're after?
Are you looking for a dare-to-make-her-great situation?
Are you looking for a dare-to-make-her-great situation?

Não é intrigante ver quem fica, estacionado na mesma postergação, ignorando a oportunidade de viver? Parece que só eu tive interesse em entrar para outra Universidade para ter o que ouvir e dizer. As pessoas se contentam muito fácil com um tempo que seja qualquer coisa, menos Sabedoria.
Quem dera...
I Can Decrypt It All
They are going to say, "He doesn't believe in the body of Christ". Of course I do. I just don't believe It is made of wheat. I don't believe in words, I believe in energy. So it profits nothing to tell me, "I love you", because I can sense everything. Even if you don't talk like Sheila, I can see when your words are wearing the falsehood. I've already drank a lot of milk to fall for something one bit weaker. Besides, I don't like flesh, I prefer chocolate. And I can't cook for you the gossip you wanna hear after the night of crack, just like I don't wanna hear your sad measure in the morning.
We're not in the same class.
We don't serve the same lord.
We're not in the same class.
We don't serve the same lord.
terça-feira, 6 de junho de 2023
Energy Of Cody
"O homem bom, do bom tesouro do seu coração, tira o bem, e o homem mau, do mau tesouro do seu coração, tira o mal, porque da abundância do seu coração fala a boca."
Ego baggage type of stuff...
The "Gay" Rainbow
I try to be careful not to be cruel to homosexuals, because I believe it is a biological condition like Down syndrome. I know it's easy to tell them they've got to change, but not so easy for the one saying the words to change himself or herself so as to be able to work the miracle. I'm talking about people who, no matter how hard they try, can't feel attracted to the opposite sex and can't remember a time they could. And that's not always the case within the "rainbow" community. There are many who, searching for "joy" and despising Truth, have acquired the condition. Just observe the B letter and you'll see that they're people who have been using cocaine and at some point tried heroine.
I'm always hearing, reading things like, "People should be free to love whoever they want to" and "Love is love". That is a purely mundane speech that unconditionally attributes virtue to the word 'love'. It's a vicious circle you can't break Out from without looking for Truth. Homosexuals commit "passional" crimes like heterosexuals, don't they? "Passion" is Passion? When you're happy with being foolish, you become open to any lie as if it was the real thing, because to you all that matters is the "moment" and, you say, "life" is short. Therefore, if you don't want to be short of Life, you need to be think-hard-headed to learn the balance of being wholly open-minded and completely closed-minded.
I see how nature is fucked. I can even believe that a man might be born in a female body and vice versa (many cases could be only derangement, though). But don't say times are changing and everyone must go with it, accepting its fresh "answers" to a more "fraternal" society. I know what's the major "change" going on. It's a bad vibe that has always been here getting worse. it's all getting outrageously promiscuous.
Lloyd Dobler, the great, said "No".
He knew the Difference.
I'm always hearing, reading things like, "People should be free to love whoever they want to" and "Love is love". That is a purely mundane speech that unconditionally attributes virtue to the word 'love'. It's a vicious circle you can't break Out from without looking for Truth. Homosexuals commit "passional" crimes like heterosexuals, don't they? "Passion" is Passion? When you're happy with being foolish, you become open to any lie as if it was the real thing, because to you all that matters is the "moment" and, you say, "life" is short. Therefore, if you don't want to be short of Life, you need to be think-hard-headed to learn the balance of being wholly open-minded and completely closed-minded.
I see how nature is fucked. I can even believe that a man might be born in a female body and vice versa (many cases could be only derangement, though). But don't say times are changing and everyone must go with it, accepting its fresh "answers" to a more "fraternal" society. I know what's the major "change" going on. It's a bad vibe that has always been here getting worse. it's all getting outrageously promiscuous.
Lloyd Dobler, the great, said "No".
He knew the Difference.
Making "Love" Or Making Out
She probably knew she didn't make a hell of a couple and there was hope for her.
segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2023
Living For The "Moment"
Think only about the "present" someone who doesn't give a fuck about you wants to give you.
You could be ruining the Future with both of them who care.
You could be ruining the Future with both of them who care.
Home Bitter Home
Shade Of "Red"
I know it's easy and there's no need to work to get, but don't say I didn't warn you. No good can come from the foolish game; from beginning to end, mind and body laid to waste is the only result. No amount of intelligence, skill, beauty, money, is sufficient to successfully build on "human" nature. There'll always be people to write gossip about you, though. You can choose to read them and with no effort believe that you're doing great, or you can choose to read the good spells and search for the Truth.
Digging Up The Lion

"And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid."
Only lionesses like that take such a path.
domingo, 4 de junho de 2023
"You Look Like You've Seen A Ghost"
Yeah, I'm constantly shocked, I see It all the Time in the chat.
I'm not scared, since I myself am a little ghost.
I'm not scared, since I myself am a little ghost.
The Easy Way, In
Memória De Infância
sábado, 3 de junho de 2023
Menina Veneno
Suas ambições são "grandes" demais para mim; os céus são pequenos demais para você.
Meu Mestre não cabe no seu mundo; o seu não cabe no meu.
Through The Master Windows
Between Blocks And Ghosts
She's full of compassion; she fearlessly walks down the streets of Kensington. There must be something wrong going on. I'll ask Sheila if she knows what it is, because, at the same time, she just didn't have the balls to talk to me.
You've never been my idol, so I hope you find your fan.
Just make sure you don't fall from "grace" there.
You've never been my idol, so I hope you find your fan.
Just make sure you don't fall from "grace" there.
sexta-feira, 2 de junho de 2023
I'm Extremely Dumb
quinta-feira, 1 de junho de 2023
Varsity Material
Thei're Rebels
"Ele não está aqui, porque já ressuscitou, como tinha dito. Vinde e vede o lugar onde o Senhor jazia."
The Rock is alive.
This Is The Caboose
I have compassion on Grace, since to me "catholicism" diverts attention from Wisdom with a "conscience-easing" shortcut: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every eucharist". The logic goes like this: "Once I eat it, I'm freed from need". You don't need to hear anything, say anything. Thus you can spend your entire week working for the bread, but on sunday you must return to get more of the "magic bread" (remembering to "confess" the dumb things you've said and done) and recharge the battery for the strenuous week at Metacortex. So, seeing Hollywood as a more interesting path than her father's expectations is obvious; I would take it too if I wasn't driven by the ambition to find the real deals.
I know the nerdy ones are going to hate me for what I just wrote, but I've never seen anyone leaving the mass like, "I'm so radiant!". The boredom of foolishness explains why they still feel "energized" to do zombie things for the rest of the week, sometimes at once. I mean, when you don't go there to dig up the Treasure, you're very likely looking to find another zombie to have "fun". It's "human" nature. So I prefer to watch and analyze those unstable tornadoes of "desire" from the Outside. I know how dangerous they are; they can get you "high" and take down, in a sick, free from Argentum, tango. Therefore I'd rather ask to have myself taken Up to study in me another atomic Dream.
In theory, the Word comes first. In practice, a substitution takes Place, as if Jesus were saying at the last Supper, "All I said was important, but you may forget it now; this one last trick is enough to save you". You're not in a delirium if you have a feeling they're worshipping bread and wine. And if you run to their competitors and suspect the same is happening with the form of paper and ink, you can bet that you are discerning well again. Have you heard there that the traditional Bible is better than the digital one? Why is that so? I don't think so, I'd rather hear So. There is really only one thing worth being concerned about, and any object regarded as more than Her is idolatry, not only the paper of cash.
Drift across - OK.
I'm waiting for orders, Boss.
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